Group Health Tool Resources
Here are some practical ideas and studies that your group can use to grow as disciples of Jesus. Make sure to work with your coach if you have one. If you don’t, please reach out to your area pastor, we’d love to help.
Book: The Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan Manning Amazon Link None of us are worthy of God’s love – but he loves us all the same. Accepting that can radically change how we see others.
Practical Advice:
- Calling is always the best way to reach out to new members
- Meet in person before the gathering if possible (coffee, @Hope)
- Introduce new members to everyone, don’t be cliquey, they don’t know anyone
- Call or text and appreciate them joining your gathering afterward
Book: Side by Side: Walking w/ Others in Wisdom and Love, Edward Welch Amazon Link Practical guidance for all Christians who want to encourage hurting people around us.
Practical Advice:
- If members aren’t there, encourage another member to call and see how they are doing
- Passionate discussion? Encourage a member to follow up and see if they are ok
- Time and resources – If a member is in need, the group is the first line of defense
- Need help – Ask your coach for ideas, if professional help is needed contact
Book: Prayer, Tim Keller Amazon Link Experiencing awe and intimacy with God
Practical Advice:
- To the left – Everyone shares their name, something to celebrate or asking for God’s help and then everyone prays for the person on their left. Leader first.
- Remembering – Each week people put requests in a box after they pray for it. Periodically open the box and celebrate what God has done
Right Now Media links 1000’s of study resources tailored for adult Christian discussion
Practical Advice: Discuss
- Questions Teaching – As often as possible ask questions rather than just talking to the group
- Involve others – Ask a variety of people to lead discussions. Make it a normal part of your group
- Reign it in – It’s common for conversations to go off topic. It’s ok and good to have a way to stop and redirect the energy. (Think buzzword or a buzzer)
5 Marks Guide available Here A short survey to see some next steps for your relationship with Jesus
A practical way to assess how healthy you are spiritually as an individual, have accountability and take a step
Practical Advice: Challenge
- Conflict – Read Matthew 18. Conflict is best approached outside a group environment in a loving way
- Celebrate – Regularly find ways to celebrate what God is already doing in your gatherings
- Prayer – The condition of our heart is important anytime a challenge takes place
Book: The Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert Coleman Amazon Link Making disciples the way Jesus did
Practical Advice: Delegate
- Give things away – Ask yourself as a leader who can do what you are doing. Invite them to try
- I see in you – When talking to members, let them know what you already see in them. Build them up.
- Let the group know –The role of a leader is to empower members in the right direction together
Book: The Art of Neighboring, Jay Pathak Amazon Link How seeing neighbors differently changes communities
Practical Advice: Add
- Prayer opens our eyes – Pray that God will begin to give us a heart for people around us
- Share as a group – Talk as a group “Who is everyone’s neighbors?” Neighbors, coworkers, sport teammates, employees at a local coffee shop, etc.
- Write down names – Encourage members to write down their neighbor’s names as they meet them. It’s one of the best ways to show someone you care
Book: The Externally Focused Church, Eric Swanson Amazon Link Choosing an intentional focus on loving our community through acts of service
Practical Advice: Serve
- Who is your neighbor? – Start by serving those closest to you. You already have a relationship
- What has God given you? – God has given each member the passions, time and resources to carry it out. Talk about where God has already set you up to serve
Practical Advice: Multiplying and developing a co-leader
- Who sees the vision? Healthy groups are full of people that contribute in some way. Identify 1-2 people who already are helping and let them know you appreciate their contribution and ask if they’d help you co-lead the group. Also ask them to keep an open mind about what God may have in their future.
- Journey as a Group – From the very beginning, healthy groups talk about their hopes and dreams. Talk about how you’d like to reach as many people and put together a plan. It could be to start praying or maybe a timeline where you’d like to send out a group of people to reach others. It’s an exciting thing worth exploring.
- Talk to your Coach – Find a time to have coffee with your coach or area pastor (if you don’t have one). We’d love to help!