Series Topic: Moral Boundaries
HSM’s Him+Her FULL LEADER PACKET (download everything below in one click)
- Series Overview: Him + Her
- Leader Cover Page + FAQs
- Leading in Grace and Truth
- Hope’s Safe Zone (Review so you know how to respond if a student shares sensitive information with you)
- This series Parent Hub post (point your parents here for all the information about the series and a few revelant, extra parent resources)
Week 1: Week of MARCH 7, 2021*
- 1. Know what you’re pursuing and
- 2. Don’t make excuses or settle for less.
- MAIN SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 31:10-31
- JESUS CONNECTION: God wrote the greatest love story ever told because of how much He loves you!
- 1. HSM Study Guide_Wk1 Him+Her
- 2. HSM Teaching Guide_Wk1 Him+Her
- 3. HSM Discussion Guide_Wk1 Him+Her
- Wk1 Him+Her ALL
*HSM Campus Pastors have the option to choose between their groups going through this week’s curriculum OR having a Party Break week to hang out, have fun, and emphasize student inviting friends. Talk to your HSM Campus Pastor to discuss the best choice for your group.
Week 2: Week of March 14
- Guys and girls may be different, but we can still seek to understand and respect one another.
- Respect God with your body.
- MAIN SCRIPTURES: 1 Peter 2:15-17 & 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
- JESUS CONNECTION: We all were born slaves to sin but God sent Jesus to die on the cross to rescue us from our sins and death.
- 1. HSM Study Guide_Wk2 Him+Her
- 2. HSM Teaching Guide_Wk2 Him+Her
- 3. HSM Discussion Guide_Wk2 Him+Her
- Wk2 Him+Her ALL
- MAIN POINT: As Christians we are called to balance living in God’s grace and truth.
- MAIN SCRIPTURES: Zacchaeus story overview, Romans 2:4, Matthew 19:4-5, Romans 1:26-30
- JESUS CONNECTION: We have all sinned and all need forgiveness that only Jesus can give to us.
- Zacchaeus example: Zacchaeus was a tax-collector in an anti-tax collector culture. Zacchaeus encountered God’s kindness in Jesus before he began following Jesus.
- What is Sin? Attractions and temptations are not sin, but acting on lust or engaging in sexual behavior outside of God’s design of marriage is sin.
- Jesus and the Bible define marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
- The Bible defines same-sex relationships as sin.
- God loves all people but hates all sin. That’s why we all need Jesus. We have all sinned and all need forgiveness that only Jesus can give to us.
- 1. HSM Study Guide_Wk3 Him+Her
- 2. HSM Teaching Guide_Wk3 Him+Her
- 3. HSM Discussion Guide_Wk3 Him+Her
- Wk 3 Him+Her ALL
Week 4: Week of March 28
- Be willing to slow down and look for God’s leading.
- Honor God with your dating life.
- MAIN SCRIPTURES: Song of Solomon 2:7 & Hebrews 12:1-2
- JESUS CONNECTION: It was Jesus’ joy to suffer on the cross – because He loves you and wants a relationship with you.
- 1. HSM Study Guide_Wk4 Him+Her
- 2. HSM Teaching Guide_Wk4 Him+Her
- 3. HSM Discussion Guide_Wk4 Him+Her
- Wk 4 Him+Her ALL
Even more parent resources: The Novus Project has alot of great information and age by age guides on how to talk to your children about sex Pastor and author Sam Allberry was interviewed by Mike at Hope a few years ago (you can watch the message here) and we highly recommend his book: Is God Anti-Gay?