It should only take a quick look around to realize there are no perfect families (not even in the Bible), but that doesn’t stop us from comparing our families’ quirks, flaws, and shortcomings to the seemingly perfect lives of other families. In this 4-week series, you’ll challenge students to give their families grace, seek resolution to their conflicts, trust God through difficult transitions, and treat more friends like family.
*Note: For this series, we will NOT have a different version small group guides for MSM & HSM. Most of the questions are geared to talking about their own family. Keep track of what students are sharing and observe the sensitivity among the entire small group. You might take note of what some of your students share and have follow up conversations.
WEEK 1 – November 5
Our families can all feel pretty dysfunctional at times, but it helps to know that no family (not even families in the Bible) were perfect. This week, you’ll challenge students to see and treat their not-so perfect families with grace.
BIG IDEA: There are no perfect families
BIBLE: Matthew 1:1-16
WEEK 2 – November 12
We all fight with our families. Although we may handle those fights differently, we’re all guilty of shifting blame and avoiding conflict. This week, you’ll help students see how a conflict between Adam, Eve, and God can help us navigate our own family conflicts.
BIG IDEA: No family conflict is too big for God
BIBLE: Genesis 3:8-13, 14-15
WEEK 3 – November 19
At some point, our families will change. Some of those changes are normal and expected, but others are painful and take us by surprise. Times of transition are never easy, but this week you’ll help students find God’s peace in the midst of change.
BIG IDEA: When your family changes, God remains your center
BIBLE: Psalm 23:1-6
- Small Group Guide wk3 PDF
- Psalm 23:4 Rewrite View
- Psalm 23:4 Rewrite Sheet – Print 4
- Teaching Guide wk3
WEEK 4 – November 26
No matter what kind of family you have, you need a community outside your immediate family. We can find community in a lot of places, but God has called His church to be a community that treats each other like family. This week, you’ll challenge students to see their church community as a family.
BIG IDEA: Your family is bigger than you think
BIBLE: Acts 2:42-47
In December, we will start a new series.
Family Devotional
Staff and Small Group Leaders Encourage parents to do this devotional alongside their teenager. There is a parent version and a student version over 28 days. Leaders, let’s invite and pray for our parents to dig into faith steps as a family. *Note: This devotional is an added element, it is not tied together with the curriculum.
Mental Health Resources
Stats, research, and viewing culture trends, we see there is a great need to be prepared to care for the mental health of teenagers. They are stressed, anxious, and more depressed compared to any other generation. We have gathered some resources to help equip parents to shepherd their child. Click HERE or on the image for a PDF document with various links to valuable information.
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