MSM Camp!
You have signed up to be a leader at MSM Camp 2024 – August 23-25! Here’s your 1 stop shop for all the training, logistics, and details. We are beyond excited for what God will do at MSM Camp this year. We are pumped that YOU will be along for the ride. Let’s Go!
Did you know that when we encounter the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it can change everything for us?
We want our students to come into contact with the love and grace of Jesus and experience how nothing can ever be the same once we’ve encountered Him. And so this year’s theme is called This Changes Everything.
Training Videos:
1. Orientation Video from Jay & Shelly! (Overview of MSM Camp, Expectations, and some keys info)
2. Three Tips for Getting Ready for MSM Camp w/ Patrick & Gage
Logistics & Details:
To make camp work effectively, we need to be on the same page with details. Every Leader needs to have an updated background check 18+ and completed Prasidiam Training 16+ to be able to attend camp with us.
*Your MSM Pastor is ensuring these are up-to-date, if you are needing to complete these items you will receive individual communication.
Camp Location:
Camp Willow Run, 190 Mangum Ln, Littleton, NC
Camp Willow Springs, 102 Camp Willow Springs Dr, Littleton, NC
Key Dates:
Parent Meeting – Aug 14 at 6:30-7:30pm at Apex Campus. Leaders are invited & encouraged to join.
Leader Huddle – Aug 23 at 3:00pm. Please allow time for parking offsite and shuttling to Apex Campus. We will feed you at this huddle.
- Leader Expectations
- Be Present
- Lead Your Group
- Know Where Your students Are at all times
- 2 Adults staying in Every Cabin
- Don’t change in front of students
- Not alone with 1 other student in cabin
- Be cautious of personal space
- Rule of 3 – Never alone and Moving around in groups of 3 or more
- Note: Family Members count as 1, example: 2 Sisters = 1, 1 Parent & 1 student = 1
- Respect others
- If Problems Arise –> Let your MSM Staff or Director
- Broken Items
- Fighting (No Fighting! Policy)
- Discipline Issues
- Medical Needs or Student gets Hurt –> Let Nurse and/or MSM Staff Know as soon as possible
- Keep Calm. Give space. Care for Student and get help.
- MSM Camp FAQs
- Camp Schedule for Leaders PDF
- Packing List
- Camp Willow Run Map
- Camp Willow Springs Map
- Aug 23 Parking Details
- If you are needing to park your car for the weekend while at MSM Camp you will need to park at Pine Springs Academy Middle School 1729 N. Main St, Holly Springs in the back. Pine Springs is about a mile way from Hope’s Apex Campus. We will have a shuttle bus running from Pine Springs to Hope from 2:30-3:30 pm. The leader huddle begins at 3:00pm. The bus has room for you to just bring your luggage with you from Pine Springs.
- Crisis Response Procedure
Small Group Curriculum:
‘This Changes Everything’ Overview:
Did you know that when we encounter the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it can change everything for us?
The power of the Gospel is transformative. It takes hearts of stone and turns them into hearts of flesh. It flips the light switch on darkness. It resurrects the dead and breathes life into them. It delivers hope, it offers peace, and it changes everything.
We want our students to come into contact with the love and grace of Jesus and experience how nothing can ever be the same once we’ve encountered Him. And so this year’s theme is called This Changes Everything.
In their Small Groups, your teenagers will look at the story of scripture and how we see God’s plan of redemption throughout its entirety.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Session 1 – Fri PM: How It Was: The World and Our Hearts Before the Change
What We Want Students to Learn: That as human beings, we are desperately in need of a Savior.
Main Scripture: Genesis 1-3
Supplemental Scripture: Romans 3:23, Psalm 14:1-7
Session Snapshot: When we understand where we come from, we have the proper lens through which to see exactly how and why we need to be transformed. Today, we’ll turn to our origin story: how humanity was created by a loving God, how He provided for us in every way, and the betrayal in the Garden that separated us. We’ll also seek to understand sinfulness vs. God’s holiness on a macro level, and talk about how it relates us personally, in a micro sense.
Session 2 – Sat AM: How It Changed: The Revolutionary Power of the Gospel
What We Want Students to Learn: That through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God made it possible for us to be once-and-for-all set free from the consequences of sin.
Main Scripture: Ephesians 1:7-10
Supplemental Scripture: Galatians 4:4-7; Romans 10:9-13
Session Snapshot: When Adam and Eve sinned, it didn’t catch God off-guard or by surprise. God has always had a plan in motion, and it looks like this: you are loved. God has fought for you. And when Jesus comes into your life, you move from being a slave to the world and its emptiness to an heir with Him. When you come to saving faith in Jesus, you are adopted into grace through Jesus’ death and resurrection: the old is gone and the new has come.
Session 3 – Sat PM: How It Is: Walking In Newness of Life
What We Want Students to Learn: That we live our lives in accordance with how Jesus has changed us.
Main Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17
Supporting Scripture: James 1:2-4, Ezekiel 36:26
Session Snapshot: How then shall we live? A transformed life in Christ means we aren’t bound by the old ways of the world. When Jesus takes our heart of stone and gives us back a heart of flesh, that new heart comes with new purpose: to know Christ and make Him known. Our priorities come into focus and our faith is expressed through our purpose and life. We’ll look at what’s important to believers and how to live like a Christ-follower who has been fundamentally changed.
Session 4 – Sun AM: How It Will Be: Future Hope
What We Want Students to Learn: That because of God’s promise to redeem all things, we can enjoy the good times and make it through the bad times without losing hope.
Main Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Supporting Scripture: Revelation 22:1-5
Session Snapshot: When we look around at the world, there’s so much to love. Everywhere you turn there is God’s goodness on display. But, if we’re honest, there are times when things get tough. In these times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. It can sometimes be difficult to see God, especially when we know that He has promised to make all things new. But we can trust His word. We can actively live as children of the promise, all the while hoping in a future where everything will be made right and we are fully redeemed. It’s worth the wait.
Meet the Staff Team:
- Mark Khandjian – Apex MSM Pastor
- Anthony Mellone – FV Student Pastor
- Kambui Tendaji – Gar Area Pastor (Camp Speaker)
- Matthew White – NWC Student Pastor
- Patrick Wilbanks – Ral MSM Pastor
- Jay Reynolds – Central Family Ministry (Camp Director)
- Shelly White – Central Family Ministry (Camp Director)
- Gage Eason – Central Family Ministry
- Jessica Benninghoff – Family Min Director
- Terri Fowler – Central Family Ministry