EXPLORE GOD Series Overview: Explore God Week 1: Week of FEBRUARY 7, 2021 IS CHRISTIANITY TOO NARROW? MAIN POINT: Jesus said some controversial things about the way for us to follow God. MAIN SCRIPTURES: John 14:6 & Matthew 7:13-14 Study Guide – Explore God Wk 1 Teaching Guide – Explore God Wk 1 Discussion Guide…

Who Am I? HSM SG Series Who Am I? Series Overview Week 1: Week of January 3, 2021 MAIN POINT: The Creator of the Universe knows your name. MAIN SCRIPTURE(S): Genesis 1:1-27 & Psalm 139:1-6 JESUS CONNECTION: Jesus loves you and wants to be in a personal relationship with you. GUIDES: Who Am I Wk1…

At Hope, we love people where they are and encourage them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Anyone could walk through our doors and we will walk alongside them – that’s the mission of our church. Anytime we invite minors into something, we need to be prepared with safe standards and ready to…

Theme: The Book Series: Tough Parables, Wrestling with Jesus’ Challenging Stories HSM Guides have a NEW format! Below you will find 4 links per week: (1) ALL GUIDES – this is everything in one place. (2) STUDY GUIDE – this has two purposes: – For leaders who are either teaching or leading discussion to prep…
Theme: Serving Selflessly and Giving Generously Series: Thanks for Sharing, A 4 Week Series on Loving Others Week 1: Week of October 4 Main Point: Share what you have because you have more than enough. Main Verses: Mark 12:41-44 & Acts 4:32-37 Large Group Guide Wk 1 Small Group Guide Wk 1 Week 2: Week…

HSM ALL-PLAY SERIES: SQUAD GOALS Theme: Healthy Friendships and Community Series Main Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 1: The Real Deal – Week of Aug 30 Main Point: If your goal is to be loved by the world, you have to become like the world. If your goal is to love the world, you have to become…

Written Curriculum Family Matters (Live Curriculum) How can we not only survive, but thrive at home? By remembering our identities and belonging ultimately come from Jesus, but honoring our parents, showing our families grace, and taking time with them are great things too. Modern Family (Grow Curriculum) It should only take a quick look around…

Modern Families (Grow) Week 1: There are no perfect families. Teaching Guide 1 Conversation Guide 1 Week 2: No family conflict is too big for God. Teaching Guide 2 Conversation Guide 2 Week 3: When your family changes, God remains your center. Teaching Guide 3 Conversation Guide 3 Week 4: Your family is bigger than…

Family Matters: Surviving and Thriving at Home FAMILY MATTERS 1: Adopted Into God’s Family FAMILY MATTERS 2: Our Beautiful Mess FAMILY MATTERS 3: Honoring Our Parents FAMILY MATTERS 4: Building Family Bonds Bonus Activity: Giving Grace to Family Members

Learning to do life and ministry during times of stay at home orders and social distancing has meant adjustments for all of us. Not to mention the extra stress of disease and the economy changes. Below is a list of resources to empower you as you minister to the students under your leadership during this…