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The summer months usually mean fewer activities to track. That, combined with warmer weather and vacation time, makes summer an ideal time to serve. Start small, looking to your children’s passions for volunteer ideas. If your kids are creative, have them make cards for neighbors. If your family enjoys nature, pick up trash at a…

After a volunteer experience, debrief your children with these discussion-starter questions: 1. How did this activity make you feel? What was the best part of the experience, and what was the most challenging? 2. How did people react to what you did for them, and how did that make you feel? 3. What other ideas for serving can…

“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Ephesians 4:29   Words are powerful. God tells us to use language to build people up, not tear them down. Teachable Moments   1. “Cheer”ful Words—As a family,…

These guidelines from Children’s Ministry Magazine describe how profanity affects children:   Ages 2 to 5 Preschoolers simply repeat what they hear, so try to limit media exposure. Don’t react to foul language with shock or anger; calmly explain that those words hurt people’s feelings.   Ages 6 to 9 Explain that words are “bad”…

Use these devotional ideas to get your family talking about language—and how we use it. Picture This—Use word pictures to verbally illustrate Bible truths. For example, discuss the importance of having clean thoughts and using clean words, based on 2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV): ―”We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Talk…

As we continue to shift our focus to family ministry, we will be introducing new ways of communicating, resourcing, and encouraging our parents to be the best spiritual leaders they can be in their homes. Our new blog is just one way we hope to reach that goal. We’ve partnered with Group to bring you…

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