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MSM Summer Series: Nua Origins

NUA: Origins is an 8 part film series that has been developed for 11-14 year olds and aims to provide a learning environment that empowers young people to engage with Jesus and explore the big questions regarding the Christian faith. It is called  NUA:Origins because of the cultural fascination with superheroes origin stories. We love to find out the back story of people’s lives. During 8 short films, host’s Jonny, Sarah and Eric will share the origins of their own faith journeys whilst encouraging the viewers to explore or begin their own.

Episode Themes 

*Click on the Date & Theme to see more information for each week.

June 2 – Ep1: Masterpiece: The nature of God and our Identity

Masterpiece: pt1 – God’s Fingerprint, pt2 – God’s Masterpiece, pt3 – God’s Voice

Main Idea: The God of ALL creation calls you His masterpiece
Main Passage: Ephesians 2:10 ESV

Pre Video:
Episode Summary: Episode one is all about exploring the nature of God and his creation while at the same time pondering the question ‘who am I?’ If it is true that we are all made in the image of God, what does that actually mean for us today?

Key Words:

  • ORIGINS or ORIGIN STORIES – Superheroes or Faith Origins.
  • GOD’S FINGERPRINT – Creation, evidence of God’s Handywork, His imprint.
  • GOD’S MASTERPIECE – Human Beings being unique above all, made in the image of God.

Watch Video

NUA:Origins Episode One: Masterpiece from NUA Films on Vimeo.

Week 1 Journal PDF

June 9 – Ep2: Worth: The meaning of Jesus’ life and death

Worth: pt1 – Christmas Again, pt2 – The Unexpected, pt3 – Great Friday

Main Idea: God displayed His love for you by sending His son Jesus
Main Passage: 1 John 4:9-11

Pre Video:
Episode Summary: Episode two explores two of the best known events of the Christian Calendar, Easter and Christmas. We explore their meaning and significance of faith in today’s world in contrast to the chocolate festivals they have become!

Key Words: Ask your group if they can explain the following:

  • UNTAINTED – Not contaminated by or polluted by something.
  • SIN – A wrongdoing against God’s way of life.
  • SPIRITUAL THIRST – A desire to get inner fulfillment from God. Our souls thirst for God.
  • JESUS’ SACRIFICE – Taking the punishment of all sin upon himself so we could be forgiven.

Watch Video

NUA:Origins Episode Two: Worth from NUA Films on Vimeo.

Week 2 Journal PDF

June 16 – Ep3: New Beginnings: Jesus’ Resurrection

New Beginnings: pt1 – Tomb Raider, pt2 – Tears, pt3 – Your Choice

Main Idea: Jesus’ resurrection gives us new life & hope, if we choose to receive it
Main Passage: Lamentations 3:22-23; Isaiah 41:10

Pre Video:
Episode Summary: Episode three explores the most significant moment in Christian History, the Resurrection. We explore the significance of what Jesus taught about life after death and examine the often forgotten event of the Christian Calander: Pentecost.

Key Words: Ask your group if they can explain the following:

  • #FAKENEWS – An event or story that has no fact with the aim of spreading lies.
  • HALLUCINATING – An experience when you think you see something that isn’t actually there.
  • PENTECOST – The day that the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples of Jesus. This happened after Jesus’ Resurrection after Jesus went back to heaven.
  • COMMANDMENT – A way of life given by God.

Watch Video

NUA:Origins Episode Three: New Beginnings from NUA Films on Vimeo.

Week 3 Journal PDF 

June 23 – Ep4: Connection: Prayer and ways of connecting with God

Connection: pt1 – Prayer Changes Me, pt2 – Many Faces of Prayer, pt3 – God working for Good

Main Idea: God wants to CONNECT with the REAL you.
Main Passage: Phil 4:6-7; Matthew 6:9-13

Pre Video:
Episode Summary: Episode four explores the connection we can have with God through prayer. Through personal testimony and examination of what Jesus taught about prayer, the hope is to give confidence when praying or the means for some to give it a go.

Key Words: Ask your group if they can explain the following:

  • HYPOCRITE – Is a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not.
  • LEFT ‘ON READ’ – To read someone’s message to you but choose not to respond.
  • HALLOWED – Completely set apart from anything else, sacred.
  • TRESPASSES – A wrongdoing against God’s way of life.

Watch Video

NUA:Origins Episode Four: Connection from NUA Films on Vimeo.

Week 4 Journal PDF

June 30 – Ep5: Story: God’s Story and how to read the Bible

Story: pt1 – Light, pt2 – God’s Story in the Bible, pt3 – Foundation

Main Idea: The Bible is God’s message to the world, revealing God’s Love for us.
Main Passage: 1 John 4:16; Psalm 119:105; Matthew 7:24-27

Pre Video:
Episode Summary: Episode five explores the Bible. It is estimated that over 4 billion copies have been distributed around the world. We want to show how unique the Bible is and that ultimately the belief is that this book is God’s message to the world. This episode includes a special 5 minute Bible Animation Overview.

Key Words: Ask your group if they can explain the following:

  • PROPHECY – A message from God of what will happen in the future, communicated by a messenger.
  • PROVERB – Is a short saying that explains an important truth.
  • PARABLE – A simple story Jesus used to explain a moral or spiritual lesson
  • ARTHRITIS – A disease causing painful swelling and stiffness of body joints

Watch Video

NUA:Origins Episode Five: Story from NUA Films on Vimeo.

Week 5 Journal PDF 

July 14 – Ep6: Guide: The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives

Guide: pt1 – Power, pt2 – Charged, pt3 – Risk

Main Idea: The Holy Spirit is the power of God working within the people of God
Main Passage: Gal 5:24; Acts 1:8; Gal 5:22-23

Pre Video:
Episode Summary: Episode six explores the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost can be seen as a minor event on the Christian Calendar compared to Christmas and Easter but Jesus often spoke about the significance of what would happen after he rose from the dead. He said it would be better when the Holy Spirit came in power to change people’s lives and he meant it!

Key Words: Ask your group if they can explain the following:

  • PENTECOST – The day that the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples of Jesus. This happened after Jesus’ Resurrection after Jesus went back to heaven.
  • TONGUES OF FIRE – Jesus’s followers saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
  • SPEAKING IN OTHER TONGUES – Instantly being able to speak another language

Watch Video

NUA:Origins Episode Six: Guide from NUA Films on Vimeo.

Week 6 Journal PDF 

July 21 – Ep7: Belong: Being active in Jesus’ Church

Belong: pt1 – The People, pt2 – Hands & Feet, pt3 – Inspire Change

Main Idea: The church is God & His people sharing the message of Hope to make a difference in the world
Main Passage: Acts 2:42-47; Heb 10:24-25; Gal 6:2

Pre Video:
Episode Summary: Episode seven explores the Church. We want to encourage the viewers that we can all be part of the church. We hope to explain Jesus’ passion about His church and how He has gifted us all in incredible ways to achieve incredible things in service of others, especially when we work together.

Key Words: Ask your group if they can explain the following:

  • WIDER CHURCH – All christians from all churches; Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals, +
  • TEMPLE COURTS – A special place in Jerusalem where people gathered to worship God.
  • BROKE BREAD – Eating together while at the same time bing mindful of Jesus dying for them.
  • DAY OF HIS RETURN – A time in the future when Jesus will return to the earth

Watch Video

NUA:Origins Episode Seven – Belong from NUA Films on Vimeo.

Week 7 Journal PDF

July 28 – Ep8: Journey: Living as a Christian today

Journey: pt1 – Decision, pt2 – The Road Ahead, pt3 – Origins

Main Idea: Real faith impacts your every day and it takes work, effort, and energy
Main Passage: Rom 8:28; Matthew 13:1-23;

Pre Video:
Episode Summary: Episode eight explores what it looks like to live a life of faith. Although this is our final episode we hope for many that it may be the beginning of a great faith adventure. Every adventure starts with the first step however small and we want the viewer to ponder the question, ‘Where could your relationship with Jesus take you, what impact on the earth could you have with him? Who’s lives could be change?’. Whether they are ready to say yes to God or not, we don’t want this experience to be the end, but to keep exploring.

Key Words: Ask your group if they can explain the following:

  • THE EVIL ONE – Known as Satan, a fallen angel who Jesus describes as a thief and a destroyer.
  • RESTORATION – Returning something to it’s original, make something better that was damaged.
  • FRUIT – In relation to faith, our fruit is a way of describing our impact and influence.
  • JOURNEY – In relation to faith it means the ongoing adventure of having a relationship with God

Watch Video

NUA:Origins Episode Eight – Journey from NUA Films on Vimeo.

Week 8 Journal PDF

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