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Movie: We Bought a Zoo

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Rating: PG (for language and some thematic elements)

Cast: Matt Damon, Elle Fanning

Synopsis: After his wife dies, a father moves his family to a new home that comes with a struggling private zoo. The ensuing adventures help the family pull together and heal.

Our Take: Use this film, based on a real story, as a launching point to discuss challenges you’ve faced and overcome as a family.



Artist: Rachel Chan

Album: Go

Artist Info: Rachel is the 15-year-old daughter of preacher and author Francis Chan.

Summary: Rachel’s debut album addresses common struggles, such as disobeying parents. The song “Prove It” puts a “funny twist on what a godly relationship between father and daughter should look like,” she says.

Our Take: Rachel’s talent and boldness about her faith make her a positive influence on preteen music fans.


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