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Because this month marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we’ll be bombarded with recaps of the tragedy. Even if your children weren’t born yet in 2001, they’ll learn about this event and ask tough questions about it. This somber date can be an opportunity to talk to kids about life’s challenges and stresses—and…

1. Create a “Smile File”—Stress is exhausting and can drain the joy out of life. Combat that by creating a file or box where family members can put pictures or notes about God’s many blessings. Look through it whenever your family feels overwhelmed or discouraged. 2. Focus on the Cross—Make this yummy snack as a…

Dive into these fun adventures to show kids just how fun and far-reaching their acts of service can be.   • Super Samaritan—You’ll need stick-on name tags and markers. Read aloud the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:27-37). Give each family member a name tag and a marker. Say: “Write an ‘S’ on your…

1. Pitch-In Praise—Let children know that the chores they complete at home are acts of service. Acknowledge their positive attitudes when they help around the house and yard without complaint. 2. Share the Wealth—When it’s time to clean out the garage or closet, find people who can use your items. Together, take gently used clothing…

• Out of 1,000 U.S. households, one-third of all families and one-half of middle-class families said volunteering is a big part of their life. (Gallup Poll) • 80% of teenagers reported being active in volunteer work if, as young children, they did some volunteering. (Independent Sector) • Research shows the following benefits of volunteering: responsibility,…

The summer months usually mean fewer activities to track. That, combined with warmer weather and vacation time, makes summer an ideal time to serve. Start small, looking to your children’s passions for volunteer ideas. If your kids are creative, have them make cards for neighbors. If your family enjoys nature, pick up trash at a…

After a volunteer experience, debrief your children with these discussion-starter questions: 1. How did this activity make you feel? What was the best part of the experience, and what was the most challenging? 2. How did people react to what you did for them, and how did that make you feel? 3. What other ideas for serving can…

“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Ephesians 4:29   Words are powerful. God tells us to use language to build people up, not tear them down. Teachable Moments   1. “Cheer”ful Words—As a family,…

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