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Arguing: Campus Standalone Lesson Option* *Based on slightly different campus schedules and needs, these lessons may or may not appear this semester in your campus’ HSM schedule. Talk to your HSM Pastor and follow their weekly emails for details on when and if your campus will use these lessons. Main Point: You never win an…

HSM Flipped Series Series Overview: Often, we live by a script: what our days should be like and how they should go. We wake up, brush our teeth, put on clean clothes and head to school. At school we have to behave a certain way to not get in trouble with our teachers or not…

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HSM You Belong Here Series Culture – culture may not be something you can tangibly put your hands on when you walk into a different room, travel to a different country, or sit down at a different lunch table – but culture is something you feel filling the spaces shared among a group of people….

HSM May Small Group Series: Psalm 23 Psalm 23 is a good picture of the Christian life. The rest our souls long for will not be found on vacation or a new Netflix series, true rest is found only when we listen and follow our Heavenly Shepherd. This psalm  and John 10 have common threads…

Student Ministry Veteran Volunteers: Job Descriptions and Commitments If you are here that means you are a veteran Student Ministry volunteer considering re-enlisting for another year of ministry with us.  We are so thankful and excited for all you’ve done and all God will do through you. Select and print the volunteer position below you…

FIRE + FAITHFULNESS Series Overview: Fire + Faithfulness Monday-Friday Groups* Fire and Faithfulness Right Now Media Videos *Due to Easter and One Night, Sunday Night Groups have a different schedule than Small Groups meeting Monday-Fridays for the month of April. Week 1: Week of APRIL 4, 2021 GOD’S IN CONTROL MAIN POINT: As believers, we…

FIRE + FAITHFULNESS Series Overview: Fire + Faithfulness Sunday Groups* Fire and Faithfulness Right Now Media Videos *Due to Easter and One Night, Sunday Night Groups have a different schedule than Small Groups meeting Monday-Fridays. Week 1: Week of APRIL 11, 2021 CONTROL + INFLUENCE MAIN POINTS: As believers, we can still live and thrive…

HIM + HER Series Topic: Moral Boundaries HSM’s Him+Her FULL LEADER PACKET (download everything below in one click) Series Overview: Him + Her Leader Cover Page + FAQs Leading in Grace and Truth Hope’s Safe Zone (Review so you know how to respond if a student shares sensitive information with you) This series Parent Hub post…

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