Open/Close Menu Resource site for the people of Hope

Teach your child how they are a unique creation from God.

We are all wonderfully made by God. Find ways to celebrate what is special about your body.

Learn how to develop a positive body image for your kids even at a young age.

Rachel Chan, Francis Chan’s daughter, has a new album for preteen fans and read a review for We Bought a Zoo.

Learn practical ways to discuss rebellion and obedience with your children.

Find fun ways to connect with your children by talking about how things were when you were a child.

Children will rebel against authority. Learn strategies to deal with rebellion at different ages.

See the latest reviews for the Steven Spielberg movie, TinTin, and the newest album by Aaron Shust.

See what the latest cultures and trends are for adults and children.

Learn about some fun activities your family can play with wrapping paper or your Christmas tree.

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