What We’re Learning: Racism Discussion
This weekend during the MSM online experience we are going to take time to talk specifically about the heavy topic of Racism & how to follow Jesus in hard times. This is a talk for both students & parents. We encourage your family to take time and lean in with us this Sunday at 10:30am on MSM Facebook Page.
June 7 – Racism… Let’s Talk About It with Shelly, Ayren & Tyler
- Main Point: Our God is a God who builds bridges whenever relationships are fractured. And right now, we are seeing a big fracture.
- Main Scripture: Exodus 34:6 // Psalm 107:1 // Isaiah 41:10 // John 17 // Galatians 5:22
Create meaningful conversation with your student(s). Adjust questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them.
- Read the parable of the Good Samaritan together as a small group in Luke 10. Discuss how the Samaritan is the hero in this story? What did he do that was so bold?
- What false truths exist about people who are different than you? How do people typically come to hear these?
- What are some ways you (and your small group) can seek to be bridge builders in the current social climate?
- Listen– Listening is action. Trying to understand and stretch your personal thinking by actively listening.
- Educate– Study history, learn and understand what has happened in our history. As followers of Jesus we simply point people to Jesus – understanding perspectives helps to develop empathy.
- Pray – Pray for our country and our leaders. Pray for God to open your eyes and guide your steps.
- Dialogue – Consider praying and discussing with people who look different than you.
- Be The Bridge: Learning. Listening. Doing the Work. Including a 16 Tip downloadable guide.
- Center for Racial Justice in Education: Resources for Talking about Race, Racism and Racialized Violence with Kids
- How White Parents Can Talk To Their Kids About Race
Take time to pray and model vulnerability with your students. Praying together develops a healthy respect and dependence on God.