Good movies capture our imaginations and transport us to other worlds. As we watch our favorite movies with popcorn in hand, we may not realize all of the work, edits, and rewrites that went into making the cinematic masterpiece. The same is true of our faith, too. We might expect our relationship with God to look like a finished product, but really, our faith and relationship with God are still in the making. In this 4-week series from the Gospels and Epistles, we’ll explore what can happen when we invest in spiritual formation. We’ll see how spending time with God can make us more like Jesus and how, when we face temptation, we can ask God for help. We’ll also discover how with God, difficult moments can help our character grow and how we grow when we make things right with God.
“To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” — 1 Peter 2:21
WEEK 1 – March 2
This week, we’ll hear the story of Moses after he came down the mountain after spending time hearing directly from God.
BIG IDEA: Spending time with God can make us more like Jesus.
BIBLE: Exodus 34:29–31; Romans 12:12; Philippians 2:1–11
- HSM Small Group Guide wk1
- MSM Small Group Guide wk1
- Reflection Sheet wk1
- Prayer Practices
- Message Lesson wk1
- Message Outline wk1
WEEK 2 – March 9
This week, we’ll hear the story of when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and who he turned to when he needed direction.
BIG IDEA: When you face temptation, ask God for help.
BIBLE: Luke 4:1–13; Hebrews 2:18; 1 Corinthians 10:13
- HSM Small Group Guide wk2
- MSM Small Group Guide wk2
- Reflection Sheet wk2
- Message Lesson wk2
- Message Outline wk2
WEEK 3 – March 16
This week, we’ll hear Jesus’ words to his disciples as he prepared them for a future without his physical presence.
BIG IDEA: With God, difficult moments can help our character grow.
BIBLE: John 15:16–22; Psalm 27:7–14; Romans 8:28
- HSM Small Group Guide wk3
- MSM Small Group Guide wk3
- Response – Twist on a Classic Script
- Reflection Sheet wk3
- Message Lesson wk3
- Message Outline wk3
WEEK 4 – March 23
We are all sinners, each carrying things we’re not proud of. If left unchecked, these can lead us to shame or self-righteousness. But at the heart of our faith is the confession that we are broken and need a Savior. True growth happens when we run to Jesus, not from Him – being honest about our brokenness allows Him to bring healing and transformation.
BIG IDEA: Growth happens when we’re honest with God about our brokenness
BIBLE: Luke 18:9-14; 1 John 1:8-9; Mark 2:17; Psalm 139:23-24
WEEK 5 – March 30
*HSM Serving Opportunity, connect with your campus for specifics
This week, we are asking leaders to share their story about coming to know Jesus and what God is actively doing in their life.
BIG IDEA: God reveals Himself to each of us and makes us into the likeness of Jesus.
BIBLE: *TBD based on the leader and their story
Media Files:
- Title Slide
- Background Slide
- Big Idea wk1
- Big Idea wk2
- Big Idea wk3
- Big Idea wk4
- Memory Verse
- Series Overview Image