Open/Close Menu Resource site for the people of Hope

Help your children notice gifts in others and help them discover what gifts God has given them and how they can be used.

See what fun activities you can use with your family to express gratitude for the gifts that God has give each of you.

God has blessed everyone with special traits, talents, and spiritual gifts. We should thank God for these.

Learn how we are meeting needs of people in our community by collecting winter coats for children.

Read a review of the latest Veggie Tales movie, Princess and the Pop Star, and Needtobreathe’s new album, the Reckoning.

Are you living in survival mode? Focus on what really matters: the eternal future of your family.

Move prayer beyond the dinner table and bedroom. Add prayer into everyday activities.

Keep your family focused on Jesus with these activities.

In Splash Harbor, children are learning they are fantastic. Families create “I Am Fantastic” books at home together.

Show your child that Jesus is our Comforter and Healer during life’s storms by trying these simple activities with them..

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