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Series Overview: When something is lost, you search for it. But what about when you feel lost in your faith? A natural part of owning and growing in our faith is wrestling with questions.  These aren’t the kind of questions we can just ask Siri; We go to God with these questions because only He…

At Hope, we love people where they are and encourage them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Anyone could walk through our doors and we will walk alongside them – that’s the mission of our church. Anytime we invite minors into something, we need to be prepared with safe standards and ready to…

Theme: The Book Series: Tough Parables, Wrestling with Jesus’ Challenging Stories HSM Guides have a NEW format! Below you will find 4 links per week: (1) ALL GUIDES – this is everything in one place. (2) STUDY GUIDE – this has two purposes: – For leaders who are either teaching or leading discussion to prep…

Series Overview: The world is full of advice that sounds great in theory but can be very harmful if applied to our lives. The Bible is full of the most wise advice that will save us from the heartache of trial & error when we obey it. We don’t live wisely by knowing things, we…

Stand Alone Lesson for the weekend of Nov 1, 2020 One year ago when we sat down to talk through lessons and saw the upcoming presidential election, we knew the potential for our culture to elevate heated debates and decided to take one week to specifically talk about how God calls us to love everyone,…

Wrestling with God’s Word: Forgiveness Edition Series Tagline: T.R.A.I.N* to wrestle with God’s Word like a pro. Series Main Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Series Overview: What should do we do when we read Bible verses we don’t like? T.R.A.I.N* to wrestle with God’s Word like a pro. How do pro athletes get better at their…

Monologues Series Overview: Over all of history God is writing a story. We have a significant part to play in His story. Let’s find our parts in His story together. Wk 1: September 20 – God’s Story Main Point: God is still writing His story through us. Main Scriptures: Matthew 24:10-14  & Ephesians 1:9-11 Week…

Theme: Serving Selflessly and Giving Generously Series: Thanks for Sharing, A 4 Week Series on Loving Others Week 1: Week of October 4 Main Point: Share what you have because you have more than enough. Main Verses: Mark 12:41-44 & Acts 4:32-37 Large Group Guide Wk 1 Small Group Guide Wk 1 Week 2: Week…

You Belong Here Series Main Scripture: Zephaniah 3:17 Series Overview: What the rest of the world thinks about you does not matter in comparison to what God thinks about you. The Bible says that God thinks some incredible things about you, including that God delights in you and gives you a place to belong. Wk…

HSM ALL-PLAY SERIES: SQUAD GOALS Theme: Healthy Friendships and Community Series Main Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 1: The Real Deal – Week of Aug 30  Main Point: If your goal is to be loved by the world, you have to become like the world. If your goal is to love the world, you have to become…

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