Christian stewardship is about more than just pledging donations or placing money in an offering plate. A steward manages resources, including time, talent, and money. Because God has given us so many blessings, we respond by using them wisely and also sharing them with others.
Children observe their parents’ financial habits and learn about the role of money at a young age. So it’s important to model appropriate attitudes about saving, spending, and giving. When we’re honest about everything from our daily transactions to our yearly taxes, we demonstrate how to be trustworthy. And when we contribute to church, charities, and neighbors in need, we teach the joy of being generous while assisting other people.
Experts recommend using an allowance system that works for your family so children can save for the future, spend money on desired items, and donate a portion of their earnings. Such habits can set the foundation for a lifetime of financial stability as well as God-honoring stewardship.
• 16% of parents of children under age 18 report never talking to their kids about using money wisely. (Visa)
• 54% of parents say they haven’t discussed with their children the difference between “needs” and “wants.” (Capital One)
• More than 2,000 Bible verses address the topic of money, and about 30% of Jesus’ parables are about money or stewardship. (