Memory Verse: “You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14, NIrV Key Question: Who can love like Jesus? Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus. In 1967, a new toy was introduced to the world, and on the box were these words: Create Beautiful Pictures With . . . Light. It was the LiteBrite®! The LiteBrite was an instant hit and has remained such a favorite for all these years that families are still having fun making pictures with light. This month, we’re talking about a different kind of bright light. We’re talking about THE light that God sent into the world to shine bright for all the world to see. And THIS light has a name. His name is Jesus! Each time we choose to love like Jesus, we become a bright light. Just like each LiteBrite peg lights up to make a picture, each and every act of love is a bright light that makes a beautiful picture for the world to see Jesus. Week 1: September 1 Week 2: September 8 Week 3: September 15 Week 4: September 22 Week 5: September 29- Sunday Funday The Greatest Verse! • Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever • John 3:16 All Month – September 2024September 2024 – Preschool: Light Bright
Bible Story: Jesus is the Light • Jesus is the light of the world • John 1:4-5, 8:12, 9:5
Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.
Bible Story: Jesus Gives a New Command • Jesus said to love one another • John 13:34-35; Luke 18:15-16; 19:1-10; John 4:1-30
Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.
Bible Story: We Are the Light • I am a light when I love like Jesus • Matthew 5:14-16; Acts 8:26-35
Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.
Bible Story: Tabitha Helps • I love like Jesus when I help others • Acts 9:36-42
Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.
Bible Story: