Student Ministry Stand Alone Bonus Lesson: No Fear Main Point: Because God is God, you can be still and trust Him. Main Scripture: Psalm 46: 1-3 & 10-11; Philippians 4:6-8 Cross Connection: Because God is God, you can trust Him with your life on earth and after. How do we know if we are going…

MSM Teaching Series: Gamechanger SERIES OVERVIEW When small groups are run to their max, they’re a gamechanger for everyone involved! That’s why, in this series, we will tackle what small groups are, why we need them, and how to get the most out of them! Small groups are where students continue to build their foundation…
MSM Teaching Series: Book of Exodus SERIES OVERVIEW If you were to open your Bible and start a “Bible in a Year Reading Plan” you’d probably do pretty well until you reach the book of Exodus… Let’s be honest, there’s some weird stuff in there. You go from getting a ton of narrative to getting…

MSM Teaching Series: Movement SERIES OVERVIEW It can be easy to forget who God really is sometimes. And it can be even A movement is a group of people working together with a common goal. The movement that we’re part of here at church is following Jesus. When we serve other people together, in big…
MSM Pre-Easter Teaching Series: No Matter What Series Overview: To highlight two main themes of Easter in a depth that makes each personal and impactful for students: God’s love and God’s forgiveness. Wk 1: April 3, 2022 MAIN POINT: Easter reminds us: no matter what we are loved. MAIN SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:7-10 NLT CROSS…

MSM March Teaching Series: Faith in Real Life Series Overview: Oftentimes churches teach at a level where they want their people to be, instead of meeting where their people actually are. Most people are not concerned with deep theological issues, instead are desperate to know how to follow Jesus on Monday after church, or Thursday…

MSM Teaching Series: Awkward TEACHING THEME: Dating + Sexual Integrity It’s that time of year again, Valentine’s Day is coming, love is in the air, prom is right around the corner and we are talking about dating and sexual integrity in Student Ministry. Integrity means doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no…

MSM Teaching Series: Habits TEACHING THEME: SPIRITUAL HABITS Habits are routine behaviors that we tend to do a lot. They’re things that are on repeat in our lives. Habits are things we do EVERY DAY. And our good habits? Well, they have a way of making our lives better! Spiritual habits are things we do…

MSM Teaching Series: Best Christmas Ever Week 1: DECEMBER 5th Let it Glow Christmas Party (Squad Night style) Short Devo: INVITED The shepherds were invited to go see Jesus for themselves. (Luke 2:8-10) You are invited too. You belong here. Small Group Leader Guide – Wk 1 Party Week 2: DECEMBER 12th MAIN POINT: God…
Attitude of Gratitude: Campus Standalone Lesson Option* The weekend of November 28 is one of our lesson option weekends, which means campuses have the freedom to use the below curriculum option or lead a lesson they feel is more relevant to their campus that Sunday. Talk with your MSM Campus Pastor and look for their…