Wrestling with God’s Word: Pt 1 Series Tagline: T.R.A.I.N* to wrestle with God’s Word like a pro. Series Main Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Series Overview: What should do we do when we read Bible verses we don’t like? T.R.A.I.N* to wrestle with God’s Word like a pro. How do pro athletes get better at their…

MSM Teaching Series July 11/12 – August 1/2, 2020 Series Overview: God’s game plan is for us to share His goodness through loving and serving others. Main Passage: Ephesians 2:10 Gospel Moment:(share each week) God has a plan for our lives. God’s plan was to first love and serve us by sending Jesus to die…

What We’re Learning: Racism Discussion This weekend during the MSM online experience we are going to take time to talk specifically about the heavy topic of Racism & how to follow Jesus in hard times. This is a talk for both students & parents. We encourage your family to take time and lean in with…

Series Overview: There is a thin green line between our hearts and our money. When we give money, whether to a person in need, an organization, or the local church we become part of a bigger story. Giving connects our hearts to God in a way that reflects His sacrificial love for us. Wk 1:…

We Are Young MSM Teaching Series Series Overview: Some adults look down on middle school students. Let’s be honest, many middle school students look down on themselves. Timothy was a young Christian that Paul believed in so much he wrote him letters to encourage him, which became books in the Bible! We believe in middle…

Series Overview: Jesus said a lot of things that would sound a little crazy to us today; Jesus said a lot of things that sounded crazy to the people of His day. But everything He said was meaningful. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the things that might make us say, “JESUS SAID…

Learning to do life and ministry during times of stay at home orders and social distancing has meant adjustments for all of us. Not to mention the extra stress of disease and the economy changes. Below is a list of resources to empower you as you minister to the students under your leadership during this…

No Fear (April 18 & 19) Main Point: Because God is God, you can be still and trust Him. Main Scriptures: Psalm 46: 1-3 & 10-11; Philippians 4:6-8 Small Group Guide

Series Overview: The Gospel of Matthew is THE turning point for the Jewish people [Matthew’s main audience]. After HUNDREDS of years of silence, God not only finally speaks, but He decides to come down and show us what it means to truly live a life that not only prioritizes God, but shows us what it…

Series Overview: Lights, camera, action! On the Lot is where the words of a tv or movie script come to life. In each of our lives, we want God’s Word to come to life. The Bible is more than just words to store in our brain, it can guide and transform our lives in amazing…