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GOSPEL INVITATION + RESPONSE SET UP For Hope Student Ministry speakers GOSPEL INVITATION + RESPONSE WEEKS: Every 4-6 weeks we have a clear invitation and next step for students to accept the Gospel into their hearts for the first time. You are probably reading this because you’ve been ask to teach that week. Use the…

Big Questions Following Jesus and finding our identity in Him helps us discover practical answers to some of our biggest questions:  Who am I?  Where do I fit in?  Do I matter?  WEEK A: MAIN POINT: When you really understand who Jesus is, it changes everything. MAIN SCRIPTURE: Matthew 4:18-20 +  John 10:10 SGL –…

Chaos Chaos can come in our lives from many different angles.  Whether it is from school, college applications, fights with the parents, gossip or a devastating break up chaos can come out of nowhere and really knock us down.  The good news is that we are not alone in our chaos.  While we can’t always…

Strength in Numbers – Wise Counsel We were made to live life in community – there is strength in numbers. For this stand alone bonus lesson you’ll talk about how when we choose to learn from wise people, they help us grow stronger and better in our lives and faith. The goal of this lesson…

HSM + MSM Teaching Series: Let Go(d) Series Overview:  We are going to dive deep into God’s forgiveness for us and His call for us to forgive others.  Too many times we can feel like we’ve messed up so much that we start shying away from God and church. But Jesus died for us while…

HSM + MSM Teaching Series: Google God Series Overview:  Today’s students are living in an era of information overload—to the point where we don’t know what exactly to believe. This leads our students to have many questions about faith, religion and Jesus. Google God is designed to give our students a safe place to ask…

SERIES OVERVIEW: Make or Break  Friends are so great! But navigating friendships can be tricky. If you are friends online does that make you actual friends? What happens when you get into a fight? Do you cancel each other? Swear to NEVER hang out with them again? What if you are friends with the opposite…

MSM Teaching Series: Heart Strings Series Overview: Our hearts often try to pull us towards things that God has made clear aren’t the best for us. In this series we will talk about what it looks like to surrender your heart to God and let Him call the shots in our lives.   Full MSM Leader…

SERIES OVERVIEW – GREAT POWER, GREAT RESPONSIBILITY Looking at serving through the lens of Spider-Man and using his example to propel us forward into looking at what Jesus says about serving, and how he models a perfect example for us to serve. Week A: FALL 2022 MAIN POINT: To have a heart of serving we…

Student Ministry Stand Alone Bonus Lesson: Prayer Parable Main Point: Jesus wants us to be real with Him: in our prayers and in our lives. Main Scripture: Luke 18:9-14 Cross Connection:  We didn’t earn our salvation by being perfect and always having things together – we are saved by His grace – a gift freely…

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