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Summer 2024 Video Curriculum & Discussion

Spring 2024 Small Group Lessons

Fall 2023 Small Group Lessons

Spring 2023 Lessons

  • Let Go(d) – A series on forgiveness
  • Chaos – Empowering students to make wise choices in the middle of chaos
  • Share Willingly – We have a God-given, excitingly worthwhile mission to share our faith
  • Big Questions – Answering teens’ top three big questions (according to a national research study by Fuller Youth Institute)
  • Jesus in His Own Words – There are a lot of opinions on who Jesus is, in this series we are exploring what Jesus said about Himself.
  • On the Lot – A Series about God’s Word coming to life in our lives
  • Bonus Lessons*:
    • Strength in Numbers – Wise Counsel (Stand Alone)
    • *Based on slightly different campus schedules and needs, these lessons may or may not appear this semester in your campus’ MSM schedule. Talk to your MSM Pastor and follow their weekly emails for details on when and if your campus will use these lessons.

Fall 2022 – Small Group Lessons

  • Gamechanger – starting Sept 11 | Healthy Small Group Foundations
  • Make or Break – starting Oct 2 | Healthy Friendships
  • Heart Strings – starting Nov 13 | Dating + Sexual Integrity
  • Google God – starting Dec 7 | Doubts + Questions
  • Bonus Lessons*:
    • No Fear (Stand Alone)
    • Prayer Parable (Stand Alone)
    • Great Power, Great Responsiblity (2 week series on serving)
    • *Based on slightly different campus schedules and needs, these lessons may or may not appear this semester in your campus’ MSM schedule. Talk to your MSM Pastor and follow their weekly emails for details on when and if your campus will use these lessons.

Spring 2022 – Small Group Lessons

*Stand Alone Campus Option weeks are 2 or more weeks a semester where each MSM Campus Pastor has the freedom to use the optional lesson or lead a lesson they feel is more relevant to their campus that Sunday. Talk with your MSM Campus Pastor and look for their weekly emails for details for your campus.

Fall 2021 – Small Group Lessons

Spring 2021 – Sunday Small Group Lessons

Fall 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019

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